Thomasville, Georgia

Des de Tallahassee, capital de Florida on vam tenir una reunió de treball, vam conduir fins a Thomasville (Georgia), una ciutat de 18000 habitants.

We drove from Tallahassee (capital of Florida state), where we met for a meeting, to Thomasville (GA), a 18,000 population town located close to the border between the two states.

Captura de pantalla 2013-08-05 a la(s) 19.40.22 Captura de pantalla 2013-08-05 a la(s) 19.40.03

Allí un restaurant organitzava un sopar dedicat a la cuina del sud de França (Llenguadoc i Rosselló) i per proximitat de Catalunya.

There a local restaurant organized a dinner dedicated to the sourthern french cuisine and, by proximity, to the catalan one.

A Thomasville vaig minjar fricandó (al menú apareix com ‘Bull Stew’, estofat de vedella) i crema catalana, qui ho havia de dir!.

There I ate frincadó (bull stew) and crema catalana. Weird!.

2013-07-24 18.31.34 2013-07-24 20.00.01Ah! i tot exquisit…

Oh! and everything excellent…

Pensant que era una broma, va resultar finalment que se’m va demanar dir unes paraules sobre la cuina catalana als allí presents. A pèl, sense preparar res… Afortunadament no hi ha documents gràfics.

Initially thinking it was not serious, I was finally asked to talk a bit about the catalan cuisine without any chance to prepare a fancy speech. Fortunately there are not footage…

About Alexandre Fabregat Tomàs

As a postdoctoral fellow at City University of New York, I am interested in everything related with the numerical simulation of heat and mass transport in turbulent flows.
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