
La ‘Cresta Trencacolls’ (Breakneck Ridge) està situada en una muntanya a la vora del riu Hudson en direcció nord des de Nova York, entre els pobles de Beacon i Cold Spring, i es caracteritza pels penya-segats visibles des de la carretera per la vora dels quals discorre la ruta que vam empendre fins al cim situat a 385 metres i que va ser inclosa fa uns anys per la revista Newsweek a la llista dels 10 millors ‘hikes’ del país.

The Breakneck Ridge is a mountain along the Hudson River between Beacon and Cold Spring, New York, heading north. The southern face of the peak is known for its cliffs, the result of quarrying in past years. The hike to the peak (385 meters) was included by Newsweek in the top 10 best hikes in the country severals years ago.

Captura de pantalla 2013-09-16 a la(s) 21.31.08

La muntanya des de baix recorda a Mordor.

The mountain from the road resembles Mordor.



No tinc fotos de l’escalada (ja tenia prou feina no obrint-me el cap), però per això ja Internet, no?:

I didn’t take pictures during the ascension (I was busy enough trying to stay attached to the rock) but that’s why we have internet, doesn’t it?:

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Cal escalar una bona estona per les roques per completar el cim. La ruta és famosa per ser complicada però ofereix grans vistes del riu.

It’s necessary to climb for more than one mile to enjoy the views of the Hudson river.DSCF2478

Els germans Cristina i Eugene, escupen al perill a la cara:

Cristina and Eugene spit on the danger in the face: IMG_3173 IMG_3184

Vistes del riu Hudson des de la muntanya (click per ampliar):

Views of tha Hudson river (click to enlarge):IMG_3187 IMG_3203

About Alexandre Fabregat Tomàs

As a postdoctoral fellow at City University of New York, I am interested in everything related with the numerical simulation of heat and mass transport in turbulent flows.
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2 Responses to Breakneck

  1. eugene says:

    hey! what a great hike that is indeed!


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